Aftercare & Downsizing
You’ve come to the right place if you’ve just had a piercing or if you’re thinking of getting one these days. Here are some basic tips to take care of your new piercing. Welcome!
Harmonizing my piercing with my body; top care for a joyful experience
A new piercing is pretty much an open wound with a piece of beautiful but unfamiliar jewelry in it, so your body needs extra help in its healing process. We have a check-list so you can pour all the love your piercing needs.
- Cleaning solutions will be your best friends, always have enough.
- Your piercing will thank you for touching and cleaning it with washed hands, so soap and water are the previous steps before any contact.
- If at the moment of cleaning your piercing you need gauze pads, cotton swabs or other cleaning elements, remember that this material is for one single use.
- Here is a new habit for you: at least twice or three times a day wash your piercing with saline solutions, or special products for cleaning your piercing. Remember not to apply soap or products containing alcohol which can irritate your piercing.
Overcleaning may irritate it, so put some of the product you are going to use on the jewel and piercing and let it sit for a few seconds. Make sure to rinse the area properly until no residue remains. Remember to make gentle movements so you don’t hurt your piercing.
- Another exciting part of your self-care routine is to soak the area at least once a day with a saline solution
- When drying your piercing, DON’T do it, let it dry by itself
- Like in hotels, you’ll have to clean your bedding often. Also please use clean clothes that allow the piercing to breathe.
- Your piercings are your body treasures, so keep the pierced area free of all possible trauma.
- A healthy lifestyle isn´t just to be fit, it can speed up your healing process. Get enough sleep, eat well, and avoid stress.
- Excessive alcohol, sugar or fats, nicotine, recreational drug use, and caffeine have no passport to your body during the healing process.
- As part of the self-caring healing process, you´ll have to protect the pierced area from unhygienic bodies of water, bodily fluids such as saliva, and beauty care products or makeup.
- You will need to wait at least a month before going to a pool, beach, river or other water source.
- When doing any physical activity don’t forget to do your cleansing after you finish.
- Don’t move, don’t play with your jewel
- Do not apply any kind of creams on the piercing as this does not allow it to breathe.
- During your healing process it is mandatory that you do not sleep, hit or put pressure on the piercing as it may cause you some complications.
Goes with the job:
Don’t worry if you notice some bleeding, swelling, tenderness, itching, and secretions that form a crust on the jewelry. This is completely normal during the initial phases of the healing process!
Removing your jewel will be like taking a fish out of the water, even for a few minutes. If you want to keep your piercing you´ll always need to have the jewel on because it can heal and close up very quickly, even if fully healed.
The healing-caring process may vary according to the pierced body part, so feel free to ask your piercer for tips.
Healing piercing survived!
We hope that your healing process turns out well and you continue to glow with your jewel! Keep in mind that each body and every body part heals at a different rate, so let’s look to different estimated healing periods:

Changing jewels, do´s and don'ts
During the healing process, it’s better to keep the same jewel. Don´t rush to change it, sometimes wounds are misleading because they heal from the outside in, so your piercing might need some more time. Consult your piercer if you have any questions and they will let you know if you are ready to wear another jewel.
Downsizing, the secret ingredient to a well-cooked piercing: once you get a puncture, your body has a reaction and tends to swell. This is why it is recommended that at first, you wear a larger jewel than you really need, that is, a longer jewel or one with a larger diameter. This way the process will be more natural, less traumatic, and incrustations in the skin probably won’t be a problem.
After 4 to 6 weeks your body has evolved and is less swollen. This is when you should go to your piercer for a check-up appointment to determine if it is appropriate to reduce the size of the jewelry to the one suitable for your body. Remember that downsizing is crucial for effective healing and scarring of your piercing.